Thursday, September 23, 2010

Embrace the Camera: September 23

I love this idea. The gist of it is that as moms we spend a lot of time behind the camera...not in front of it. And one day, maybe in a few years or maybe in many years, but one day our children will want to look back and remember times with their mother. The first time I read anything about this was on my favorite blog, Under the Sycamore. You can read her post here. Recently I found this gal's site and she encourages moms to do a weekly shot in front of the camera with their kids. So, here goes. This is me embracing the camera.

Alright, I know I'm only in it a little bit, but these things take time. Let me adjust to this new position and better learn how to hold my camera and take a picture at the same time. The important thing is that I'm in there.

This idea of turning the camera around really speaks to me. Already I look back and there are no pictures of the Bear and I. Except the professional pictures that Papa Bear gave us for Mother's Day. Those are the only pictures I know of that have just he and I. I want him to be able to look back one day and know that I was there. That I was part of his life. I may not be able to do it every Thursday, but I can dang sure try!

Hope everyone has had a great week!


  1. Exactly! And there is something neat about the perspective. Like you are sneaking into the shot to remind him when he looks back on these that you were always there right beside him.

    This is my third capture I think ...fourth maybe but I think 3rd and I began because I too didn't have many photos of myself with E and I'm so glad that this challenge brings me out of my shell.

    Great capture!!!

  2. i love this photo. absolutely love it!

  3. so glad you are joining us!

    really, it's the moments that you capture during the day that he'll treasure---the real moments :)

    love this and love how he's trying to eat your little man does the same thing :)

  4. You amaze me all the time. You think of everything and have such creative abilities. As a Nana now I realize so many things I wish I would have done for my children. You are so wise beyond your years to do these things for your little "bear". We are never promised tomorrow so make each moment count and create a new memory that will last a lifetime. Make each day be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love. Nana "C"
